Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Name the season...

I have never wanted Chick fi la more in my life! Which I thought wouldn't be possible after working 8-6 at TbarM all summer and being so recklessly hungry that I ran to my car after work to get to Chick fi la faster (shout out to Kasey Farmer, Becca, and Barret )!! But enough of that. I wish these blogs were all conversations I could have with you over coffee because I miss sharing things with the people who know me best. Nonetheless, we shall press on :) Our college oversight, Mark Hopkins told us this in chapel the other day. "Name your season, or it will name you." I didn't know how I felt about that it first, because i didn't really understand what he meant by it. But here is what I think. I think that going into a new season or chapter, it can be really tempting to wait until you feel really comfortable in your new environment to start stepping out and really going after what you feel like God has called you to. I am the one who pulls the "I just haven't really heard from the Lord yet" card. Which sometimes can be true. But honestly, the Bible is God's word, it's His voice, and it is has a whole lot of instruction on what to do. By reading that we have a huge head start, and we probably won't have to do all that much waiting to find that when we start to just do what His word says...we end up somehow arriving at where he wanted us all along. I think that line, and I can only speak for myself, but that line is often code for "I am afraid." I know that is where I was at a couple days ago. I HATE being new! I do not enjoy not knowing anyone at church or feeling like a have no place where I fit in. And I have noticed myself saying, "I'll just wait until I feel like I know what God really wants me to do to get involved here." I think if I spent a little more time in the Word I wouldn't be so hesitant, because He told me what He wants me to do. Build the church, love people, be a servant, worship the Lord with all I have, encourage one another daily. He makes it so simple...
As far as seasons go, I have felt really challenged to speak over my life the things I want this next year to be a season for in my life. That doesn't mean I won't be open to other things, but I think it is wise to have a goal and a mindset of what fruit I want to see in my life. And I really feel like this is a season of humility and discipline...woohoo sounds like fun right?? Be jealous! Not really at all...that sounds about as fun as the year long blazing hot summer I have in Texas, but im excited. Humility has been a word that is constantly on my mind and has been for about a year now. I kind of thought I did my time with that fun season, but God had other things in store as usual...that was just a warm up. I think this is the perfect place to learn true humility. We are asked to do alot of things that seem very mundane, and put in positions of service that seem invisible, and without true humility I won't make it here. I will never be able to truly experience all God has for me if I don't start considering other better than myself. Easier said than done, I know...but im ready for it. Discipline...another fun one :) Not just discipline as in, I read my Bible everyday and pray without ceasing...although I want that. But I really feel like the Lord is going to do alot of discipline in my life.

"My son do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves as a father the son in whom he delights." Proverbs 3:11-12

I read that a couple weeks after I got here, I can't seem to forget it. God just keeps whispering it into my ear as I feel Him gently putting to death all the foolishness and pride in me. I was discouraged at first, I will be honest. That is not what I was looking forward to. A new country, Hillsong Church, new friends...this was supposed to be a fun, exciting year of adventures. And it absolutely will be. But I would be foolish to ignore the hope in those frightening sentences. His disciplines the ones he loves, like a father does to the son who makes him happy., me... we are that son. We are the ones he loves. How lucky are we, that God would take the time to discipline and reprove each one of us? What a privilege! God does love me, and find delight in why would I expect anything less from Him.
So humility and discipline...bring it on! I might not be ready now, but who is really? Don't wait till you feel ready, because there is a good chance you might never feel that way. Just do it, just go and do and worship and love and name your season before you look back and you had no active part to play in the last 6 months or year or 10 years. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to waste anymore time wondering what God wants me to do. Because chances are, if I just start to walk in the way He laid out, I will find my way into the rest of my story. Because God for me, and wants me to succeed. And he feels the same about you, I know it!
I miss you all dearly, and can't wait to hug you and tell you all this in person.

Be brave,

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. discipline and humility surely go hand in hand...and thanks for the challenge to name this season!
